Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are benign growths that occur on the mucosal lining of the nasal passages. They are typically small and though noncancerous can still cause obstructions of the sinuses, leading to congestion, breathing problems and sinus infections.

Signs & Symptoms of Nasal Polyps 

Some nasal polyps are tiny and cause few problems. Others produce symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing, loss of smell and taste, postnasal drip, headache, sinus pain and pressure and snoring. If symptoms persist longer than ten days and are not associated with a cold or allergies, seek medical attention. Even though nasal polyps are benign, if left untreated they can grow large enough to cause serious complications including obstructive sleep apnea, meningitis, blood clots and aneurysms.

Causes of Nasal Polyps

Some people develop nasal polyps randomly, but most often there is some sort of triggering mechanism. Common triggers include asthma, hay fever, chronic sinus infections, cystic fibrosis and sensitivity to aspirin and other NSAIDs. Genetics may also play a role.

A diagnosis is usually made through visual inspection with an otoscope or nasal endoscopy. An imaging test, either a CT scan or MRI, can be useful in determining the size of the polyp and in ruling out more serious growths, such as tumors. Allergy tests may be administered in order to identify the substance responsible for your symptoms.

Treatment for Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps can be treated with either medication or surgery. The goal is to reduce the size of the polyp or remove it completely in order to alleviate your symptoms. Nasal sprays, oral or injectable steroids, antihistamines and antibiotics are all common drug treatments. If they are ineffective, surgery may be performed. The type of procedure depends on the size of the polyp.

An outpatient procedure called a polypectomy uses a suction device or microdebrider to remove the lesion and surrounding tissue, and is effective for treating smaller polyps. Larger ones may require endoscopic sinus surgery. In this procedure, a camera is mounted on a flexible tube, and tools on the end are used for excising the polyp.


ENT Center Of The Ozarks offers a non-surgical procedure for patients who suffer from repeat nasal polyps with SINUVA™ (mometasone furoate) Sinus Implant. SINUVA is proven to reduce polyps and nasal congestion and obstruction.


SINUVA is a sinus implant that treats nasal polyps without surgery. During a routine office visit, a physician will use topical and/or local anesthesia to numb your nose and sinuses. SINUVA is then placed in the sinus cavity through the nasal opening.

How SINUVA Works

Its innovative design provides a 2-in-1 approach: it is designed to open in the sinus cavity and release anti-inflammatory medicine to treat nasal polyps for up to 90 days.

SINUVA Benefits

At 90 days, patients saw:

  • Significantly reduces nasal obstruction and congestion
  • Significantly improves impaired sense of smell

The most common adverse reactions observed in a clinical trial were bronchitis, upper respiratory or middle ear infection, headache, light-headedness, asthma and nose bleed. SINUVA is indicated for adults with nasal polyps who have had ethmoid sinus surgery.

Patient Testimonial

If you are suffering from chronic or recurring polyps, contact us at (479) 750-2080 to discuss treatment options.


BOTOX® Cosmetic has become one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures, and its popularity is growing more and more each year. BOTOX® Cosmetic should only be injected by a trained, certified physician who has an intimate knowledge and understanding of the muscular anatomy of the face as well as the aesthetic perspective of proper placement.

People with frown lines, forehead lines, neck muscle “bands,” crow’s feet and smile lines around their eyes who wish to appear more relaxed, calmer and less tired are good candidates for the injection of BOTOX® Cosmetic.

BOTOX® Cosmetic works by paralyzing muscles of the face that furrow brows and create fine lines and creases in the skin. BOTOX® Cosmetic, administered in a series of small injections, can reduce the appearance of these lines and help prevent others from forming.

BOTOX® Cosmetic offers results with no downtime, no scarring and a short treatment time. It is a treatment that can easily be undergone during a patient’s lunch hour. Because a BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment lasts three to six months, any patient unhappy with the results can simply discontinue injections.

Facial Wrinkle Fillers
Wrinkle fillers are injectable compounds used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The injection of wrinkle fillers is a time-tested treatment method that can be used alone or in conjunction with other facial plastic surgery procedures to achieve a smoother and more youthful appearance. There are many fillers available now to suit each individual’s needs and goals.

Juvederm™ is the newest FDA-approved dermal filler made from non-animal derived hyaluronic acid. It can also be used to treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Because it is a smooth consistency gel, it is an ideal filler for fine lip lines as well as lip volumizing and contouring.

Restylane® is a cosmetic dermal filler made of non-animal based hyaluronic acid. It can be used to treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds.

Perlane® is a cosmetic dermal filler, similar to Restylane®, but is composed of larger gel particles of hyaluronic acid. It is ideal for deeper injections to provide volume, support and a structural lift for facial creases and hollows.

Radiesse™ is a synthetic compound comprised of calcium hydroxylapatine that has a cream-like texture. In some cases, it can prove to be longer-lasting than some other dermal fillers.

Sculptra™ is a synthetic injectable made of poly-L lactic acid. Poly-L lactic acid is biocompatible and biodegradable and has been used for many years. Sculptra™ is injected primarily into areas of fat loss. It will provide a gradual increase in skin thickness. Visible results appear within the first few treatment sessions.

Our Policy
We offer many procedures under local anesthesia that would historically be performed under general anesthesia, saving many of the risks, costs, side effects and recovery time of general anesthesia.

We have created a center for privacy, rejuvenation, serenity and renewal for patients. Our center provides the highest level of care available anywhere in the field of facial plastic surgery while maintaining the upmost regard for patient safety, comfort and privacy—all the while adding a touch of elegance and refinement to the experience.

Dr. Manning performs both surgical and non-surgical (or non-invasive) cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures. If you are searching for the leading facial plastic surgeons in the Northwest Arkansas region, easily accessed from Bella Vista, Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Harrison, Joplin, Southern Missouri, Eastern Oklahoma and everywhere in between, contact ENT Center of the Ozarks at (479) 750-2080 to make an appointment today!


Liposuction is the most effective treatment available for the removal of localized fatty deposits that don’t respond to changes in diet and exercise. The procedure involves one or a series of small incisions through which a hollow, cylindrical device called a cannula is used. The cannula suctions out fatty tissue, re-contouring the affected area. Liposuction can be used on virtually any part of the body, and scarring is generally minimal. The procedure has been used for many years with an outstanding safety record and an extremely high satisfaction rating.

A necklift describes a variety of procedures, used alone or in concert, with the goal of re-contouring the tissues underneath the chin and near the midline of the neck. Depending on the particular problems the patient hopes to address, the procedure may involve liposuction, direct excision of fat, suturing techniques and occasionally skin removal. The goal is always to reduce excess or sagging tissues in the area beneath the chin in order to produce a tighter, more youthful appearance in the neck.

The type of surgery prescribed will depend on your particular case.

Our Policy
Dr. Manning performs both surgical and non-surgical (or non-invasive) cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures. If you are searching for the leading facial plastic surgeons in the Northwest Arkansas region, easily accessed from Bella Vista, Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Harrison, Joplin, Southern Missouri, Eastern Oklahoma and everywhere in between, contact ENT Center of the Ozarks at (479) 750-2080 to make an appointment today!

We have created a center for privacy, rejuvenation, serenity and renewal for patients. Our center provides the highest level of care available anywhere in the field of facial plastic surgery while maintaining the upmost regard for patient safety, comfort and privacy—all the while adding a touch of elegance and refinement to the experience.

Dr. Manning performs both surgical and non-surgical (or non-invasive) cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures. If you are searching for the leading facial plastic surgeons in the Northwest Arkansas region, easily accessed from Bella Vista, Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Harrison, Joplin, Southern Missouri, Eastern Oklahoma and everywhere in between, contact ENT Center of the Ozarks at (479) 750-2080 to make an appointment today!



Blepharoplasty is a surgery designed to remove puffiness, fine lines and sagging skin from the upper or lower eyelids. Good candidates for blepharoplasty are people of any age or background who feel that they always look tired or who have chronic eye bags or puffiness around the eyes.

Puffiness or drooping around the eyes is often caused by excess fat or skin in the orbital area around the eye sockets. Blepharoplasty is method of improving contour, tightening the skin and creating a smoother, more refreshed appearance.

The most common form of blepharoplasty uses a camouflaged incision in the crease of the upper eyelid and another just below the lash line of the lower eyelid. In certain instances, an incision can be completely hidden inside the lower eyelid, in what is known as the tranconjunctival approach. When using either method, Dr. Manning takes special care to keep incisions as inconspicuous as possible. After the incisions are made, excess tissue is removed to rejuvenate and tighten the eyelid.


As we age, horizontal creases in the forehead deepen, and the eyebrows tend to drift downward, giving the eyes a shaded or tired look. The goal of a forehead and eyebrow lift, otherwise known as a brow lift, is to raise the brow to its more youthful position in line with the bony ridge above the eyes and to reposition the forehead skin so that it appears smoother, without the creases or deep grooves. It is often beneficial to perform brow lift in conjunction with blepharoplasty, as the two areas sometimes need to be treated together.
Dr. Manning employs several different techniques for brow lifting surgery. One of those techniques is the endoscopic brow lift. The endoscopic technique involves making three to five small incisions behind the hairline through which endoscopic and surgical equipment is passed. The surgery is performed while watching the instruments on a monitor. Another technique employed by Dr. Manning involves creating a small incision along existing forehead creases, elevating the eyebrow and removing excess forehead tissue. This incision is closed meticulously, resulting in an imperceptible scar that looks better than the preexisting forehead crease. This mid-forehead buttonhole lift has a much lower chance of complications, such as forehead numbness, fluid collections and unpredictable or short-lived results, than other methods of eyebrow elevation.


Latisse™ is a prescription treatment used to grow eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker. Latisse™ is the first and only FDA-approved treatment for people with inadequate eyelashes. The onset of Latisse™ is gradual but the majority of Latisse™ users notice that their eyelashes are longer after one month of nightly application. The eyelashes grow thicker and darker after three months of nightly application.

Great eyelashes don’t just happen overnight. That’s why it’s important to note that Latisse™ (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution 0.03 percent) works gradually and remarkably – with full results after 12 to 16 weeks. Once you begin treatment, you must continue applying the topical solution each night and follow the directions for best results. Remember, results are gradual.

Your eyelashes will experience real measurable growth. Latisse™ works from the inside out, and as the treatment progresses you’ll begin to see changes in length, thickness and darkness. After week 16, you’ll see the full effect of Latisse™ – and so will others.

Our Policy

We offer many procedures under local anesthesia that would historically be performed under general anesthesia, saving many of the risks, costs, side effects and recovery time of general anesthesia.

We have created a center for privacy, rejuvenation, serenity and renewal for patients. Our center provides the highest level of care available anywhere in the field of facial plastic surgery while maintaining the upmost regard for patient safety, comfort and privacy—all the while adding a touch of elegance and refinement to the experience.

Dr. Manning performs both surgical and non-surgical (or non-invasive) cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures. If you are searching for the leading facial plastic surgeons in the Northwest Arkansas region, easily accessed from Bella Vista, Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Harrison, Joplin, Southern Missouri, Eastern Oklahoma and everywhere in between, contact ENT Center of the Ozarks at (479) 750-2080 to make an appointment today!



Rhinoplasty is a very delicate and precise procedure requiring patience and dexterity. The nose’s central location on the face can mean that the most miniscule alterations can have dramatic effects on a person’s overall appearance. Patients seek a rhinoplasty consultation when they have injured the nose, are unhappy with its appearance or have trouble breathing.

Rhinoplasty is typically performed through one or both nostrils using tiny incisions made on or in the nose. Dr. Manning will discuss specific information about incisions at the time of your rhinoplasty consultation. Just as there are many types of noses, there also exist many different rhinoplasty techniques. Rhinoplasty is an operation where just a few millimeters can make a significant difference in the appearance of the nose and your appearance as a whole. Dr. Manning tries to achieve a straight, strong profile that improves the symmetry and balance of the individual’s face.

Our Policy

We offer many procedures under local anesthesia that would historically be performed under general anesthesia, saving many of the risks, costs, side effects and recovery time of general anesthesia.

We have created a center for privacy, rejuvenation, serenity and renewal for patients. Our center provides the highest level of care available anywhere in the field of facial plastic surgery while maintaining the upmost regard for patient safety, comfort and privacy—all the while adding a touch of elegance and refinement to the experience.

Dr. Manning performs both surgical and non-surgical (or non-invasive) cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures. If you are searching for the leading facial plastic surgeons in the Northwest Arkansas region, easily accessed from Bella Vista, Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Harrison, Joplin, Southern Missouri, Eastern Oklahoma and everywhere in between, contact ENT Center of the Ozarks at (479) 750-2080 to make an appointment today!

Our Policy

We offer many procedures under local anesthesia that would historically be performed under general anesthesia, saving many of the risks, costs, side effects and recovery time of general anesthesia.

We have created a center for privacy, rejuvenation, serenity and renewal for patients. Our center provides the highest level of care available anywhere in the field of facial plastic surgery while maintaining the upmost regard for patient safety, comfort and privacy—all the while adding a touch of elegance and refinement to the experience.

Dr. Manning performs both surgical and non-surgical (or non-invasive) cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures. If you are searching for the leading facial plastic surgeons in the Northwest Arkansas region, easily accessed from Bella Vista, Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Harrison, Joplin, Southern Missouri, Eastern Oklahoma and everywhere in between, contact ENT Center of the Ozarks at (479) 750-2080 to make an appointment today!

Facial Scar Revision

Unfortunately, injury and surgery can result in unavoidable, visible scars that remain after a wound has healed. Their progression and development can be unpredictable. If healing is poor, injury can result in scars that are unsightly, obvious and possibly disfiguring. Our surgeons offer scar revision procedures meant to minimize scars so that they are less raised or recessed, less different in color or texture from surrounding healthy tissue and overall less noticeable.


Otoplasty is an ear surgery technique to improve the appearance of the external ear, especially the protruding ear. An incision is made behind the ear to reshape the cartilaginous infrastructure and restore anatomical balance. The surgery can be done after the age of six, when the cartilage of the ear has achieved maturity. Good candidates for otoplasty are people who feel that their ears are too prominent.

After the incision is made, the cartilage is reshaped and held in place with sutures. The goal of otoplasty is to create a natural, long-lasting result and create better facial symmetry.

Face Implants

Though perhaps not as obvious as the nose or eyes, the contours of the jaw line, chin and cheekbones are important factors in the overall symmetry of the face.

A receding chin or irregular jaw line is a common concern among patients seeking a chin or jaw (pre-jowl) implant. This problem can be surgically improved with the use of a synthetic implant specifically designed to correct the defect in question. A similar device can be implanted in the cheeks to give the appearance of high, strong cheekbones. Chin, pre-jowl, and cheek implants can be resized and shaped during surgery according to the individual patient.

Thyroid/Parathyroid Surgery

front view of head circulatory system and nervousThe thyroid and parathyroid are endocrine glands near the throat that secrete hormones throughout the body. The parathyroid is a cluster of smaller glands located near the back of the thyroid that controls the amount of calcium in the blood.

There are three major reasons that the thyroid or parathyroid would need to be surgically removed: the glands are enlarged, the glands are over-active or there is a growth or tumor present. Depending on the condition of the glands, the whole thyroid or parathyroid may need to be removed or just a single lobe.

Some thyroidectomies and parathyroidectomies are often outpatient surgeries, which means that in general the patient can go home after the procedure. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor makes an incision in the midline of the lower neck and removes part or all of the thyroid and/or parathyroid. The incision is then stitched up.

Parathyroid Surgery Perioperative Instructions
Thyroid Surgery Perioperative Instructions